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6 years ago
Spreading the word about London's greatest football team
As far as the fans are concerned I’ve been more and more impressed by them. I’ve been impressed by the fact that every game since I’ve been here has been a sell out, which I don’t think is an obvious thing when you’re at the bottom of the table. With one or two minor exceptions all of our performances have been greeted with, if not jubilation, then respect from the public, which, of course, is great. And towards the end, those people who travelled away, and those who stayed behind after Birmingham to acclaim the team, I found that very touching. I’ve been brought up in a hard school football-wise and I’m more used to people behaving like that when the team’s at the top of the league, so to get the reception that we did after Birmingham speaks volumes of our fans and proves that we have a major responsibility to perform for them.